Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Security Police and Social Media Use for Organization Research Paper

Security Police and Social Media Use for Organization - Research Paper Example In most occasions, people using social media tend to give their view concerning issues affecting their lives and this includes their views on various products and services offered by different organizations. Criticism and appraisals are mainly conveyed by persons using social media (Efraim, Narasimha and Ting-Peng 206). It is also evident that organizations use social media to advertise their products and services. Since social media acts as a platform through which people share and express ideas with their friends, once organizations advertise through such sites, users of the site socially spread information about the company to friends in a rapid manner (Efraim, Narasimha and Ting-Peng 206). However, as organizations are benefiting from collaboration with social media in carrying out their businesses, it is apparent that risks emerge, and which poses a great threat to businesses collapse. The fact that social media carries more information of all kinds minute after minute; there is a high likelihood of potential serious consequences that could emanate from vital and confidential information being unleashed to public. Studies have documented that nearly a quarter of employees use social media while at work. This has an implication that there is a high risk of vital information being leaked though networking sites (Daft and Marcic 175). Nevertheless, various policies can be used to mitigate these security risks. The following sections articulate on the possible policies. Mitigation measure/policies Creation of social media policies Organization need to create social media policies, including those that relate to privacy issues (Daft and Marcic 178). For example, financial institutions should raise privacy awareness among the employees as one of the communication strategies in implementing such policies. It is the mandate of a company to review its customer verification practices and continue to raise employee and customer awareness about the risks and consequen ces of disclosing sensitive information to a third party. Such awareness includes raising general awareness of best practices for privacy protection on social media and provision of guidance on how to use privacy controls on social media. When posting in any social media, employees and customers need to think before doing so. One should be concerned about the authenticity of information posting, whether that information is appropriate and reasonable, whether it is the personal opinion, whether to make it public, and if it is confidential (Efraim, Narasimha and Ting-Peng 215). This is crucial because the perception of information received by people in the social media varies from one person to another. Some information may be wrongly interpreted and may end up compromising data security and tarnishing corporate brand. In this regard, organizations ought to not only enumerate a comprehensive list of dos and don’ts, but also offer employees ethical guidelines and encourage respo nsible use of social media (Daft and Marcic 178). Employees thus need to be enlightened on the fact that their behavior can not only reflect their positive and negative aspects but also the brand they represent. Since internet usage lacks control of contents posted especially on social media, organizations advertising through these sites should develop a risk strategy (Lovett 319). This should involve performance of a risk

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