Tuesday, October 22, 2019

DNY influence of the dutch on nycs early history Essays

DNY influence of the dutch on nycs early history Essays DNY influence of the dutch on nycs early history - Dutch trading companies push factor missing 1,2.,3.,4 they didnt feel like going out to dicover pull factor not strong 1.,2,3, they were only interested in trading - 1602 Dutch East india Company- monopoly on dutch spice trade often considered first multinational company/corporation in the world first issue stock -1614 first dutch settlement Fort Nassau -1621- dutch west india company -march 31st 1624 ship the new Nederland 30 familes first dutch immigarnts tp north America -1624 fortress, Fort Orange -1625- fortress, Manhatten Island, farmers from Holland brought here five farms established -farms bouwerijen 1629- DWIC promised liberties 2nd exemptions 50 colonists- own expense called a patron buy land-full ownership held in perpetuity for himself and heirs 1629- dwic bought back 4 or 5 patroon ships- Rensselaers wyck-Kiliaen vao Rensselaers 1647- Nieuw Amsterdam became trading center of the colony- Pieter Stuyvesht-700/100? de wal Amsterdam- nienw Amsterdam- new york city 1626- Peter Minuit, governor of new Amsterdam purchased Manhatten Island for 60 guilders (24$-25$) 1664- 1500 inhabitants-350 houses- not all Dutch- many languages- cosmopolitan city- atmosphere of tolerance(religious), as per 17th century Holland 1646- town of breukelen Brooklyn 17th century- Netherlands and England maritime powers- rivalry for trade and freedom of the seas August 28,1664- English fleet off Nienw Amsterdam four men- of war- dutch surrender 1673- Dutch again- nieuw Oranje/ New Orange 1674- Treaty of West minister ended Anglo- Dutch war territory to Britain- NYC

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